Sunday 8 May 2011

H is for...


Not that kind of heroes...

I mean "real" heroes, the heroes we see every day. The everyday heroes.They come in all shapes and sizes. We see them at work, on the street, anywhere. They are the people that take pleasure in small acts of kindness instead of in grand intentions.

-It's the police officers and soldiers, for risking their own lives to keep the world safe for everyone else.
-It's the doctors and other medical personnel, for saving people's  lives every single day.
-It's the firefighters and rescue workers, for rescuing us when we are in danger.
-It's the stranger that saved a person from a wrecked car.
-It's the people that have the courage to stand up for justice and human rights for all people
-It's the neighbor that's fighting cancer.
-It's the teacher, for helping us discover our potential for success.
-It's the conservationists and activists, for dedicating their lives for preserving the environment for future generations.

There are many more. It can even be an animal, for saving our lives, or just soothing us, keeping us happy.

I believe there lives a hero in every single one of us. We just have to find our "superpower".

Who's your hero?

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